You are about to take an assessment based on the scientifically validated Hartman Value Profile© (HVP). It will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. 

How it works... If this is your first time taking the HVP/VQ profile assessment, you'll discover that this assessment is quite unlike any other. You may even wonder how in the world we can determine anything from it.

Your VQ Profile (VQ Value-cognition Quotient) is a scientific measurement of how and how well you think from 36 unique axiological thinking perspectives. Your VQ Profile reveals your unique combination of VQ Assets, Biases, and Liabilities and identifies the keys to maximizing your "A-Game" by using VQ Assets (your BEST ways of thinking) rather than allowing your VQ Biases to become Liabilities that can keep you stuck in your "B-Game."

After the Assessment... After completing the assessment, use the link provided at the end to book appointment with me (if you don't already have one scheduled).

Getting Started... Please ensure that you will not be disturbed or distracted for the next 15-20 minutes while you complete the 2-part assessment exercise. When you are ready, enter and confirm your information and then click “Continue.” 

Enjoy your experience. Please call 732-779-7322 or email with any questions.

~ Maureen Ennis

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